What Roles Entrepreneurs Play in Social & Economic Growth?

According to you who are entrepreneurs? Do they really help in social and economic growth? If yes, how they are held responsible for social development? Today with help of Carl Kruse we will going to understand how the role of entrepreneurs is leading to the growth of our society and economic.

Carl Kruse

An entrepreneur according to Carl Kruse, is a person who takes initiative or one who come up with an idea that helps to create new jobs, encourage society and disperse wealth because of new products or services that are introduced into the market. This gives great impact to each and every individual as some ways or the other, we all get correlated. For example, with the introduction of Uber rides it gave great impacts on an auto rickshaw and local buses whereas millions of people got job car driver to make that Uber ride possible.

Here are few points that will going to conclude the role of entrepreneurs in social and economic growth and these areas:


We all are well aware that any start-up involves lots and lots investment that are provided by entrepreneurs to set an economy. The investment that is carried out by entrepreneurs in form of products and services, which they will go to introduce to the people. This involve a lot of funding that is carried out by the other investors in form of shares to particular start-up. 


Any business start-up requires human resources that could fulfill the demand of the company thereby making earning for them self. Thus it’s very much important for an entrepreneur to seek a maximum number of employee to work that could help each other in vice –versa manner. Hence it’s proven that with each new startup by entrepreneur more and more people will get employed. 

Variety in Products and Services

When we reach to market we always find that each time new products and services are added in your supermarket. Might some products have their alternative or some new innovation has been introduced? Thus it true according to the definition of entrepreneur that they will come up with new products and services each time. 

Contributes to Gross National Product 

Gross national products (GNP) plays a very important to determine the economy of a country. As GNP of a country is decided by the number of products and services that are introduce in the respective country. So as the number of products and services increase by entrepreneur the GNP also increases of the respective country.

These are the few points that are highlighted by Carl Kruse to explain what all role is played by an entrepreneur to help in social and economic growth.

originally posted at http://www.allperfectstories.com/the-role-of-entrepreneurs-in-social-economic-growth-by-carl-kruse/
This Carl Kruse blog homepage is located at https://carlkruse.blogspot.com
The blog's last four articles are Top Business Challenges for a New Entrepreneur, Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail, Why You Should Consider Becoming An Entrepreneur and Practical Ways To Engage Your Board in Fundraising.

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